706 research outputs found

    Channel Access Management in Data Intensive Sensor Networks

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    There are considerable challenges for channel access in Data Intensive Sensor Networks - DISN, supporting Data Intensive Applications like Structural Health Monitoring. As the data load increases, considerable degradation of the key performance parameters of such sensor networks is observed. Successful packet delivery ratio drops due to frequent collisions and retransmissions. The data glut results in increased latency and energy consumption overall. With the considerable limitations on sensor node resources like battery power, this implies that excessive transmissions in response to sensor queries can lead to premature network death. After a certain load threshold the performance characteristics of traditional WSNs become unacceptable. Research work indicates that successful packet delivery ratio in 802.15.4 networks can drop from 95% to 55% as the offered network load increases from 1 packet/sec to 10 packets/sec. This result in conjunction with the fact that it is common for sensors in an SHM system to generate 6-8 packets/sec of vibration data makes it important to design appropriate channel access schemes for such data intensive applications.In this work, we address the problem of significant performance degradation in a special-purpose DISN. Our specific focus is on the medium access control layer since it gives a fine-grained control on managing channel access and reducing energy waste. The goal of this dissertation is to design and evaluate a suite of channel access schemes that ensure graceful performance degradation in special-purpose DISNs as the network traffic load increases.First, we present a case study that investigates two distinct MAC proposals based on random access and scheduling access. The results of the case study provide the motivation to develop hybrid access schemes. Next, we introduce novel hybrid channel access protocols for DISNs ranging from a simple randomized transmission scheme that is robust under channel and topology dynamics to one that utilizes limited topological information about neighboring sensors to minimize collisions and energy waste. The protocols combine randomized transmission with heuristic scheduling to alleviate network performance degradation due to excessive collisions and retransmissions. We then propose a grid-based access scheduling protocol for a mobile DISN that is scalable and decentralized. The grid-based protocol efficiently handles sensor mobility with acceptable data loss and limited overhead. Finally, we extend the randomized transmission protocol from the hybrid approaches to develop an adaptable probability-based data transmission method. This work combines probabilistic transmission with heuristics, i.e., Latin Squares and a grid network, to tune transmission probabilities of sensors, thus meeting specific performance objectives in DISNs. We perform analytical evaluations and run simulation-based examinations to test all of the proposed protocols

    Synthesis and crystal structure of the first 6a-thiathiophthen metal complex [Mo(CO)_5PPh_(2]2)(µ-C_5H_2S_3)

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    The first 6a-thiathiophthen metal complex was prepared by treating M(CO_)5[PPh_2CS_2CH_2C≡CH] with a catalytic amount of secondary amine or tertiary amine; the structure of the 6a-thiathiophthen molybdenum complex is confirmed by an X-ray diffraction analysis

    Autophagy and Coagulation in Liver Cancer and Disorders

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    The physiological role of autophagy in metabolism of the body involves both protein synthesis and degradation. The autophagy-lysosome and the ubiquitin-proteasome systems are the two major intracellular proteolytic mechanisms. Autophagy in hepatocytes is known to be quite active and contribute to its normal functions and the pathogenesis of liver diseases. The role of autophagy in liver diseases has been widely studied, and growing evidence has now shown that autophagy is involved in the pathogenesis of cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). However, the role of autophagy in the progression of liver fibrosis and prognosis of human HCC is not well known. Recent studies have demonstrated that tissue factor (TF) combined with coagulation factor VII (FVII) has a pathological role by activating a protease-activated receptor 2 (PAR2) for tumor growth. Autophagy-related LC3A/B-II formation induced by the inhibition of TF/FVII/PAR2 coagulation axis, particularly by FVII knockdown, was selectively mediated by the Atg7 induction. These results are consistent with clinical observations that indicate the important role of FVII activation in regulating autophagy in HCC. In this chapter, we discuss our findings in which FVII promotes growth and progression in HCC through ERK-TSC/mTOR signaling to repress autophagy and may play a pivotal role in conferring cirrhosis and other liver diseases


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    In this study, ten normal subjects and ten patients with patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS) were enrolled for knee isokinetic exercise test and closed kinetic chain exercise by squatting-standing respectively. Surface electromyography was applied to vastus medialis obliquus (VMO) and vastus lateralis (VL) muscles during exercise. According to the integrated electromyography, VMO/VL ratio was calculated by dividing normalized EMG of VMO by those of VL. The statistic results revealed that the VMO/VL ratio of patients with PFPS was significantly lower than those of normal subjects during knee isokinetic exercise (p=0.047). However, there is no statistic difference in VMO/VL ratio between the subjects with and without PFPS during closed kinetic chain exercise (p=0.623)

    Comparison of Renal Function and Other Health Outcomes in Vegetarians versus Omnivores in Taiwan

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    Renal disease is one of the top 10 leading causes of death, and the incidence of end-stage renal disease in Taiwan is the highest in the world. Many dietitians consider the diet of plant origin consumed by vegans to be ‘lighter’ and ‘more healthful’ than the diet of both plant and animal origin consumed by omnivores. Dietary protein has significant effects on renal functions. The study explored the effects of both the diets on renal functions. The study subjects included 102 Buddhist nun vegetarians and an equal number of matched control group (omnivores). A cross-sectional study was performed to investigate the effects of the diet of plant origin and the diet of both plant and animal origin on renal functions. There was no difference in the renal functions between the two groups. However, systolic blood pressure, blood urea nitrogen, serum sodium, glucose, cholesterol levels, and urinary specific gravity were lower in the vegetarian group. Although these results were compatible with general concepts regarding diet of plant origin, after adjusting for age, the duration of intake of this diet had no effect on the renal functions. Based on the findings, it is concluded that the renal functions, in terms of the estimated glomerular filtration rate, were not different between the vegetarians and the omnivores

    Preparation of Monodisperse Iron Oxide Nanoparticles via the Synthesis and Decomposition of Iron Fatty Acid Complexes

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    Iron fatty acid complexes (IFACs) are prepared via the dissolution of porous hematite powder in hot unsaturated fatty acid. The IFACs are then decomposed in five different organic solvents under reflux conditions in the presence of the respective fatty acid. The XRD analysis results indicate that the resulting NPs comprise a mixture of wustite, magnetite, and maghemite phases. The solvents with a higher boiling point prompt the formation of larger NPs containing wustite as the major component, while those with a lower boiling point produce smaller NPs with maghemite as the major component. In addition, it is shown that unstable NPs with a mixed wustite–magnetite composition can be oxidized to pure maghemite by extending the reaction time or using an oxidizing agent

    Application and comparison of scoring indices to predict outcomes in patients with healthcare-associated pneumonia

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    Introduction: Healthcare-associated pneumonia HCAP is a relatively new category of pneumonia. It refers to infections that occur prior to hospital admission in patients with specific risk factors following contact or exposure to a healthcare environment. There is currently no scoring index to predict the outcomes of HCAP patients. We applied and compared different community acquired pneumonia CAP scoring indices to predict 30-day mortality and 3-day and 14-day intensive care unit ICU admission in patients with HCAP. Methods: We conducted a retrospective cohort study based on an inpatient database from six medical centers, recruiting a total of 444 patients with HCAP between 1 January 2007 and 31 December 2007. Pneumonia severity scoring indices including PSI pneumonia severity index, CURB 65 confusion, urea, respiratory rate, blood pressure , age 65, IDSA/ATS Infectious Diseases Society of America/American Thoracic Society, modified ATS rule, SCAP severe community acquired pneumonia, SMART-COP systolic blood pressure, multilobar involvement, albumin, respiratory rate, tachycardia, confusion, oxygenation, pH, SMRT- CO systolic blood pressure, multilobar involvement, respiratory rate, tachycardia, confusion, oxygenation, and SOAR systolic blood pressure, oxygenation, age, respiratory rate were calculated for each patient. Patient characteristics, co-morbidities, pneumonia pathogen culture results, length of hospital stay LOS, and length of ICU stay were also recorded. Results: PSI > 90 has the highest sensitivity in predicting mortality, followed by CURB-65 >= 2 and SCAP > 9 SCAP score area under the curve AUC: 0.71, PSI AUC: 0.70 and CURB-65 AUC: 0.66. Compared to PSI, modified ATS, IDSA/ATS, SCAP, and SMART-COP were easy to calculate. For predicting ICU admission Day 3 and Day 14, modified ATS AUC: 0.84, 0.82 , SMART-COP AUC: 0.84, 0.82, SCAP AUC: 0.82, 0.80 and IDSA/ ATS AUC: 0.80, 0 .79 performed better statistically significant difference than PSI, CURB- 65, SOAR and SMRT-CO. Conclusions: The utility of the scoring indices for risk assessment in patients with healthcare-associated pneumonia shows that the scoring indices originally designed for CAP can be applied to HCAP

    Effect of diabetes on mortality and length of hospital stay in patients with renal or perinephric abscess

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    OBJECTIVES: We compared the risk of in-hospital mortality and the length of hospital stay between diabetic and non-diabetic patients hospitalized for renal or perinephric abscess. METHOD: The data analyzed in this study were retrieved from Taiwan's National Health Insurance claims. The risk of in-hospital mortality and the length of hospital stay were compared between 1,715 diabetic patients, hospitalized because of renal or perinephric abscess in Taiwan between 1997 and 2007, and a random sample of 477 non-diabetes patients with renal or perinephric abscess. RESULTS: The in-hospital mortality rates from renal or perinephric abscess for the diabetic patients and the non-diabetic patients were not different, at 2.3% and 3.4%, respectively. However, diabetes was significantly associated with a longer length of hospital stay among patients with renal abscess, by 3.38 days (95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.59-5.17). CONCLUSIONS: Diabetes does not increase the risk of in-hospital mortality from renal or perinephric abscess. Nevertheless, appropriate management of patients with diabetes and concurrent renal or perinephric abscess is essential to reduce the length of hospital stay

    Outcome of lung cancer patients with acute respiratory failure requiring mechanical ventilation

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    AbstractTo assess the weaning outcome of lung cancer patients with acute respiratory failure (ARF) requiring mechanical ventilation, we retrospectively analyzed the database of the respiratory intensive care unit at a university-affiliated tertiary care hospital.Charts were reviewed for cancer status, biochemistries before respiratory failure, causes of respiratory failure, acute physiology and chronic health evaluation (APACHE) III score, ventilatory settings, data recorded during spontaneous breathing, duration of ventilator days, and weaning outcome. Ninety-five consecutive respiratory failure events in 81 patients were recorded from January 1, 1995 through June 30, 1999.Twenty-six episodes ended with successful weaning (27.4%). Age, gender, and cancer status did not affect the weaning outcome. Serum albumin level, APACHE III score, highest fractional inspired O2 (FiO2) and highest positive end-expiratory pressure, organ failure, ability to shift to partial ventilatory support, and duration of mechanical ventilation could significantly influence the weaning outcome statistically. The overall hospital mortality rate was 85.2%.Our results suggested that lung cancer patients with ARF will have a better chance to wean if the initial APACHE III score was less than 70, use of FiO2 never exceeded 0.6, or less than 2 additional organ systems failed during the treatment course